Forgotten Christmas

How could GFA introduce the Christmas Gift Catalog to a new audience?
Content marketing.

Forgotten Christmas Videos

Gospel for Asia produced free videos as a resource for pastors to show in their churches around Christmas time. The videos might have been great, but the marketing and other tools needed to be created in oder to get the word out about it and to capture names.


  • Craft a compelling video, under 2-minutes that pastors would want to show in their churches.
  • Design, develop and write a microsite that connects the video with GFA's Christmas Gift Catalog, so that ordering the catalog makes sense and people are willing to provide their information.
  • Design ads that lead a user to the website.


Wrote and designed microsite that showcased a new video, which I provided creative direction on, while leading the user to interact with the free offer and complete a lead generation form requiring name, email and mailing address.
Website needed to meet the needs of 3 audiences. he Web Director (at that time), myself and the lead developer worked through all the user screens, mockups and backend ramifications. We outsourced some of the design templates during the initial design. We user tested the entire campaign creation process, wrote and implemented triggered emails for the initial phase.

After 3 years, we wanted to update the code to reduce web page load time, make the campaign pages and subsequent communications feel more modern and ensure the campaign pages worked well on smart phones. New designs, user flows and communications were mocked up. User testing commenced with this new version of the design and code as well. The new style launch in 2015.

Facebook Ads

These are were simple but designed to reach our audience and designed with intentionality based on what was learned in other tests.
Even though these designs went against Facebook's recommended best practices for Facebook ad design, these outperformed the ads that were designed to meet Facebook's best practices.

Forgotten Christmas Video


  • Videos and catalogs offered through Forgotten Christmas produced at least 8,000 new leads.
  • 55,000 Christmas Gift Catalogs were ordered through Forgotten Christmas, producing 10:1 ROI.
  • Through Facebook ads and email marketing, Forgotten Christmas continues to produce thousands of catalog orders each year.

Key Takeaways

  • Why would I give you my name, email and mailing address? Perceived value must be greater than perceived cost.
  • Best practices are merely best practices. They are not always the right practices.