Digital Marketing & Strategy

Marketing Automation Platforms & Experience

Marketing Automation Platform (MAP) Expertise:

  • Salesforce Pardot
  • ActiveCampaign
  • IBM Acoustic (formerly Silverpop)
  • Klayviyo
  • MailChimp

Email Marketing

MecLabs Certified in Email Marketing & Optimization; NextAfter Certified in Email Marketing & Optimization

Email Service Provider (ESP) Expertise:

  • Salesforce Pardot
  • ActiveCampaign
  • IBM Acoustic (formerly Silverpop & Watson)
  • MailChimp
  • SendinBlue
  • SendGrid
  • ConstantContact

Email Testing & Programs:

  • Cart Abandonment (Recovery) Funnels
  • Transactional Emails
  • Welcome Series
  • Customer/Donor Journey
  • Audience Segmentation
  • Deliverability
  • List Hygiene
  • IP Warming
  • Upgrade Journey
  • Reengagement Journey
  • A/B Testing
  • Multivariate Testing & Optimization

Email Marketing Email Programs

Subject line testing for gains and learnings. One of many.

Subject Lines

  1. 674,000 wait for hope and help after Sri Lanka floods
  2. Massive flooding traumatizes 674,000 in Sri Lanka
  • Open rates: only 3% relative increase in opens
  • Donation rates: 10% relative increase in donations
  • Revenue: 44% relative increase in revenue
  • Average donation amount: 33% relative increase in average donation amount

Key Takeways

Subject lines not only impact open rates, but also user motivation and velocity to complete the desired action. Not testing subject lines is a large mistake.

The testing and learning did not stop there. Next test was content and email strucutre testing.

Repurposed Existing Content for New Daily Email Series

We wanted a way to maintain or even increase engagement with organization emails to allow us to continue emailing our database in the future.

To do this, I developed a 31-day, daily email series by repurposing existing content and marketing it to existing and new audiences.

  • 10 new subscribers a day with minimal marketing
  • Subscribers to this list are 66% more likely to open other emails from the organization compared to non-subscribers
  • Email database attrition decreased by 5%

Landing Page Optimization

MecLabs Certified in Landing Page Optimization

Free Book Landing Page

Through A/B testing, we improved the conversion rate of a landing page to over 50%. The landing page and supportive website can be seen here.

Sponsor a Child Landing Page

With a radical redesign and multivariate testing, we were able to increase the number of child sponsors on this landing page by more than 34%. Testing revealed that more messaging and less images would increase the number of people that would sponsor a child online. See the current webpage here.

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Forgotten Christmas

Project & Role:
Design a microsite, email marketing and social media ads to generate enough traffic to increase orders of the organization's gift catalog. See more about the Forgotten Christmas project here.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)


Project & Role:
Create a website that appears in Goolge News search results and that can positively impact other organization-owned web properties

I developed the strategy, goals, designed the website and wrote a majority of the initial articles needed to create a website that published news daily and was ranked in Goolge on page one for key search terms while allowing for the website to be leveraged for additional needs.

News Microsite for Organization

Project & Role:
Create a microsite that appears in Goolge and Google News search results and that can positively impact other organization-owned web properties

I developed the strategy, goals and designed the microsite to pull in news from across the organization's various news sources in order to reduce the time for human involvement. The result was a press room for the organization that also positively impact Google search results.